viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017

Qt 4 and 5 and OpenSSL1.0 removal

Today we received updates on the OpenSSL 1.0 removal status:


So those removal bugs' severities will be raised to RC in aproximately a month.

We still don't have any solutions for Qt 4 or 5.

For the Qt 5 case we will probably keep the bug open until Qt 5.10 is in the archive which should bring OpenSSL 1.1 support *or* FTP masters decide to remove OpenSSL1.0. In this last case the fate will be the same as with Qt4, below.

For Qt4 we do not have patches available and there will probably be none in time (remember we do not have upstream support). That plus the fact that we are actively trying to remove it from the archive it means we will remove openssl support. This might mean that apps using Qt4:

- Might cease to work.
- Might keep working:
  - Informing their users that no SSL support is available → programmer did a good job.
  - Not informing their users that no SSL support is available and establishing connections non the less → programmer might have not done a good job.

Trying to inform users as soon as possible,

Lisandro for the Qt/KDE team.

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