Today I had to set up a multifunction printer, namely the Lexmark x1150. I had already installed it under a 32 bits Debian install, following this howto, but it won't work with a 64 bits one. The problem was with rastertoz600, which showed:
./rastertoz600: error while loading shared libraries
I did a hack to fix this. I downloaded the licupsimage's 32 bits deb package, uncompressed it (ar x package.deb) and copied the to /usr/lib32/ . Run ldconfig and that's all, the printer is working :-D
So, if you have a printer like this, follow the howto linked above and this hack should work.
Tuve el mismo problema con una impresora Lexmark Z617 en Debian Lenny, la solución que has planteado me funcionó, gracias.