domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008

Santobarro se despidió de Lucas Cittá

Esta madrugada fué el concierto de despedida de Lucas Cittá de Santobarro, ya que "el pulpo" a cargo de la batería se vá a trabajar a INVAP.

El evento se llevó a cabo otra vez en El peladero. Como era de esperarse, todo un show, quizás apenas opacado por el momentáneo griterío de gente de Pedro Luro, que se vé llegó al pub sin saber que estaba ocurriendo...

martes, 26 de agosto de 2008

QAntenna being recommended

Pablo Odorico pointed me to some links of universities subjects recommending QAntenna :-D

It is very good to see that someone uses our humble software :-) It's a pity that my studies do not allow me to code much :-( There are lot of things I would like to improve and/or add to QAntenna, but that is imposible by now.

Anyway, anyone willing to contribute, just speak up :-)

sábado, 23 de agosto de 2008

Yo, mi alma y mi conciencia

Hace tiempo atrás, estando yo en clases de francés en la Alianza Francesa de Coronel Suárez, me puse a aprovechar un tiempito libre para revisar un material nuevo llegado desde Francia para la Alianza.

El material incluía un VHS con varios video clips de distintas bandas francesas que estaban sonando por aquél entonces (o que habían estado sonando, si tomamos en cuenta el tiempo de entrega del material). Fué así como llegué a éste video:

Fué un idilio inmediato. Una banda con sonido alegre, gustos de jazz, instrumentos de vientos, cuerdas... y Belle du Berry con su basura en el diente (ver minuto 00:30; en algún lado leí que ésto fué a propósito).

Luego de varios años, estando yo en DebConf 8 en Mar del Plata, escuché por primera vez un tema de ellos... en la radio :-) . Sin duda alguna, una banda que cualquier persona que guste del jazz, ska y ritmos latinos debiese escuchar.

sábado, 16 de agosto de 2008

Last post from DebConf 8

This will be (I guess) my last post from DebConf 8. It has been a great time here. I really hope I can make it to DC9.

And do not forget:

¡¡¡Happy 15th Birthday Debian!!!

martes, 12 de agosto de 2008

I want a N810 too!!!

Nokia has been giving free N810 to developers at aKademy. I have seen two or three here in DebConf8, and they are simple great.

Imagine having Debian with KDE running in those little precious things... do not. They do :-D

Sadly, they will cost a fortune here in Argentina. They are between 300 and 400 dolars in EEUU, so with the change to pesos plus transport plus customs terrible taxes, they will cost almost as much as a simple laptop, that I do not have either ;-(

Perhaps in some years...

domingo, 10 de agosto de 2008

I guess I did not explain myself correctly

Today I was in Paul Wise's BOF "Bits from NMs and users". As the talk was about what users like and do not like about Debian, I asked why do we don't have a simple way of doing a KDE install only. My fault. I should have asked it in a different way.

My real question is this: why do we not have an option in the Debian installer to install only KDE or only Gnome or only XFCE (to name three desktop environments that have a metapackage to install them).

Gunnar Wolf said that we have three first instalation CDs, one for each desktop. Good. But not enough. Nowadays it's becoming more normal to do a instalation from the Debian's net install CD (a great advantage of Debian). Why not to let the user choose there?

Bdale Garbee
said that to change that, the most convenient thing would be to propose it (and why not, send a patch) to de Debian Installer stuff (if I understood properly). That's a great answer I must say. I do fully agree with him, maybe I should give it a try myself.

The current DPL, Steve McIntyre, said that "we (as Debian) must do a choice, in order to let the user with less questions". A good answer, but I truly don't agree.

Desktop flamewar?

The problem with these kind of questions is that is prone to generate flamewars. Shame on me, I guess I almost got one with my question :-( . That was truly not my idea. The idea was to say "hey, we got something we can improve here". Anyway, I think I will be already tagged as a flamer :-(

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

DebConf starts!

And in the front desk we are ready to give bags and T-Shirts to 96 people according to Penta.

Today Christoph Helwigg arrived. He suscribed to Penta yesterday, so we don't know if we have room for him :S (of course that's fixable).

So, let's see what happens :-D

jueves, 7 de agosto de 2008

Nuevo nick en IRC

Gracias a Amaya y a Zer0mdq, ahora tengo nuevo nick en IRC, PowerMan. Suena a típico héroe de cuarta, pero la verdad es que tiene una lógica por detrás: en cierta forma soy el encargado de la parte eléctrica de DebConf. Gran parte del trabajo lo hizo la gente del hotel, pero parece ser que tomé el puesto de consultor para la instalación :-P

miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2008

In DebCamp

I can't believe we are already on Wednesday :-D . DebCamp has been great so far. To give you some ideas, I'm typing this next to people who is hacking NEO runners, people working with VoIP, or embedded systems like Balloon Board or Beagle Board.

I already had the pleasure to meet Ana. I have a nice picture of her taken by Aurel.

I am using my free time (I have plenty of it) to do some coding on the Smith chart Qt class that I hope I will use in QAntenna.

I do also want to test FreeSwitch again, and having people here that knows about it, I guess it's a great opportunity :-)

domingo, 3 de agosto de 2008

Pre DebCamp days

Matías "Angasule" D'Ambrosio and I arrived to Mar del Plata on August Friday 1st, at about 06:45 AM. We took a taxy and got to the Dorá Hotel.

Well, the first two days (the two days before DebCamp starts) were quite exciting. Lots of network setups, hard drives to set up, stairs to go up and down... and food!!!

The food is actually amazing, we have great breakfasts and better lunches and dinners.

Angasule took some photos, which I hanged in my gallery. Our main duty during DebCamp (the first week) will be in the Front Desk.